There has never been a more critical time to protect and restore our planet. Trillion Trees believes that forests are one of our greatest hopes and play a key role in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss.
Our projects focus on recovering and regrowing native and natural forests, but we take a landscape approach, using a wide range of methods and work with communities to improve livelihoods and address the underlying drivers of deforestation. This ensures our efforts make a difference to people's lives and a lasting contribution to reducing carbon in the atmosphere, as well as preserving critical biodiversity.
Thanks to the generous support of individuals, foundations and companies that have donated to the ReForest Fund, we’ve been able to support seven projects, which are growing over 150,000 trees - and counting.
Trillion Trees has more than 40 projects worldwide that need support to restore degraded forest and re-create habitat for endangered species, such as restoring forest connectivity in the Colombian Andes to protect water sources and restore habitat for the Andean bear, or working with local farmers to increase forest cover in the Mbeliling landscape in Indonesia.
Whether you donate to restore 1 tree or 10,000, your support ensures forests thrive into the future.
Reconnecting forest patches in a threatened ecosystem – the Atlantic Forest
Work is underway to restore the Atlantic Forest in Brazil, a UN flagship landscape and home to thousands of unique species not found anywhere else.

Restoring forest for local communities and Kenyan athletes
Despite suffering droughts, significant progress is being made restoring this important forest landscape that’s also a training ground for athletes, whilst benefitting local communities.

Restoring degraded forest in Tanzania
Working with local communities to protect and restore forest in the Usambara Mountains, a biodiversity hotspot.

Community restoration of high value forests in Papua New Guinea
Restoration of community-managed lands in the Bismarck Forest Corridor, a highly biodiverse and intact forest landscape.