Donate to Trillion Trees

Trillion Trees’ work is only possible thanks to the support of forest allies like you.

Make an impact now

It’s easy to be part of the vision. Every donation we receive from you directly contributes to a world with more trees, richer biodiversity, a better regulated climate, and more sustainable livelihoods.

Whether through investing in our landscape ventures or pushing for better corporate and finance practices, we’re driving positive change for forests, the climate and people, and so can you.

If you want to contribute larger amounts (e.g. over £2000) or in a different way, get in touch with April Bagwill at We are happy to discuss how we can tailor and link your contribution to the right landscape or programme.

Your contribution will be managed and distributed by our partner BirdLife International on behalf of the Trillion Trees partnership.

Want to plant a tree?

Most Trillion Trees projects involve a broad, science-led approach to forest restoration. If you prefer your donation to be spent specifically on restoration, such as tree planting, you could support our ReForest Fund.