Latest Resources

Restoring degraded forests: an under-appreciated climate solution

A new Trillion Trees study shows that prioritising the restoration of degraded forest, not just cleared lands, could help meet climate and biodiversity goals more rapidly


New guidelines for communicating about ecosystem restoration

Principles of Restoration Communications published with, UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, Nature4Climate and Laura de Molière PhD


First ever tree-growing guide for Faith Organisations is launched at COP 15

Trillion Trees, WWF and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) have jointly published the first-ever comprehensive guide to tree growing, designed for use by faith groups across the world. 


Trillion Trees launches new research drive to discover the real cost of restoring forests

“To fix a problem, it’s essential to know how much it really costs.”


Forest First Approach

One way to pre-empt and avoid deforestation is to support farmers and communities that are near to a ‘forest frontier’. 


Forest Landscape Integrity Index

Beyond deforestation. This study, led by WCS, shows how few remaining forests have ‘ecological integrity’.


Deforestation Fronts

WWF identified 24 'deforestation fronts' - areas where there is the greatest threat to forests.


Map of Regeneration Hotspots

Nearly 59 million hectares of natural forest have grown back since 2000. Explore our map to see what is driving this recovery.
