We are excited to bring you the latest news from the Trillion Trees ReForest Fund. The Fund supports forest restoration across a portfolio of sites where our partners have long-term conservation programmes, and where it’s needed most.
Our projects focus on recovering and regrowing natural forests, but we take a landscape approach, using a wide range of methods and look for opportunities to improve livelihoods and address the underlying drivers of deforestation. This ensures our efforts make a lasting contribution to reducing carbon in the atmosphere and preserving critical biodiversity.
Trillion Trees has more than 50 projects worldwide that need support to restore degraded forest and re-create habitat for endangered species; such as helping prevent landslides and maintain water quality in Peru’s Madidi Tambopata forest landscape, home to 300 mammal species, or working with communities to restore leopard habitat in Laos.
Whether you donate to restore 1 tree or 10,000, your support ensures forests thrive into the future.
Connecting forest patches in Madagascar
Work has continued to restore and maintain Makira Natural Park, an area of outstanding endemic biodiversity.

Restoring forest and saving water in Kenya
Restoring a landscape that’s an important water tower and training ground for elite athletes, whilst benefitting local livelihoods.

Restoring degraded forest in Tanzania
Working with local communities to protect and restore forest in the Usambara Mountains, a biodiversity hotspot

Tracking our progress
To ensure long-term success we’ve been training project teams to use our new tracking tool – FORMAPP.