The Trillion Trees ReForest Fund supports forest restoration across a portfolio of sites where our partners have long-term conservation programmes. Launched in 2020, we made our first grants in early 2021 and have just published our first report highlighting some of the successes already achieved.
Download the full report to learn about where and how the Fund is making a difference.
Our projects focus on recovering and regrowing natural forests, but we take a landscape approach, using a wide range of methods and looking for opportunities to improve livelihoods and address the underlying drivers of deforestation. This ensures our efforts make a lasting contribution to reducing carbon in the atmosphere and preserving critical biodiversity. Read about:
Restoring forest and saving water in Kenya
Working with local communities to ensure vital water supplies keep flowing and to restore and maintain Mount Kenya’s forest, a haven for biodiversity.
Connecting forest patches in Madagascar
Work in the Makira Natural Park is providing sustainable livelihoods while restoring habitat for Madagascar's astounding endemic biodiversity.
Restoring degraded forest in Tanzania
Working with local community groups to restore one of the last remaining fragments of coastal forests in the region, home to extraordinary plant and wildlife and a lifeline for the 4 million people living in Dar es Salaam and around the forests.
How we will expand the portfolio in the coming year
In 2022 we aim to expand the ReForest portfolio to include new projects in Brazil, Papua New Guinea and Peru. These initiatives are addressing the drivers of deforestation and regrowing trees in some of the world’s most biodiverse forest ecosystems.
Whether you donate to restore 1 tree or 10,000, your support ensures forests thrive into the future.