Andrew Kirkby

The Partnership

Trillion Trees was formed in 2016 by three of the world's leading and best-established conservation organisations: BirdLife International, Wildlife Conservation Society and WWF. We unite our expertise, data and global networks to accelerate the protection and restoration of forests.

Partners joining forces for forests

We were spurred into action by the perilous state of the world's essential forests - and the knowledge that we can achieve greater, faster impact by working together.

All three Trillion Trees partners have committed dedicated expert resources, and take lead on different specific forest conservation projects. Nearly always in collaboration with local groups and communities in each location.

BirdLife International is the world's largest nature conservation partnership, bringing together 118 (and growing) Partners worldwide, across 115 countries. BirdLife has 13 million members and supporters, and over 7,000 local groups and 7,400 staff. Through its unique local-to-global approach, BirdLife delivers high-impact and long-term conservation for the benefit of nature and people.

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a US-based non-profit with roots going back to 1895. WCS saves wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education and inspiring people to value nature. Working in over 60 countries, WCS combines biological knowledge with cultural understanding to help wild places and wildlife thrive alongside local communities.

WWF is one of the world's largest independent conservation organisations, active in nearly 100 countries. Its 5 million+ supporters help WWF restore nature and tackle the causes of nature's decline - particularly the food system and climate change. WWF wants a world with thriving habitats and species, and to change hearts and minds so it becomes unacceptable to overuse our planet's resources.

Our Collaborators

The challenge for forests is immense, and requires a combined effort across borders and sectors. The Trillion Trees partners are dedicated to working with governments, businesses, and conservation organisations to raise awareness of the issues, share data to increase understanding of forests and the potential solutions, and promote action based in science to have an impact.

Trillion Trees works closely with, the global platform for the trillion trees community hosted by the World Economic Forum. works to mobilize private sector investment into forest conservation and restoration, facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue and support
innovation and restoration entrepreneurs who are ready to scale. Together, Trillion Trees and support the global movement to deliver the benefits of forests and trees to people, nature and the climate.

Aga Khan Development Network

Trillion Trees has entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Aga Khan Development Network to explore how social development and climate and conservation organisations can work together to deliver just, equitable nature-based solutions to the climate crisis.

Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation (CPIC)

Trillion Trees is a member organisation of CPIC, which is a global multi-stakeholder initiative focused on enabling conditions that support a material increase in private, return-seeking investment in conservation.

Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations

FAO’s The Economics of Ecosystem Restoration (TEER) is a multi-partner initiative to collect standardized data about the costs and benefits of ecosystem restoration worldwide. Trillion Trees is working with the evaluation teams at FAO to improve the indicators and framework for forest restoration.

Global Returns Project

The Global Returns Project supports Trillion Trees through their unique Symbiotic Wealth Management approach where investors allocate a small amount to not-for-profits tackling the Climate and Nature Crisis alongside an allocation to a sustainable portfolio.


Natural climate solutions can provide a third of the cost-effective climate mitigation needed between now and 2030 to meet the goals of the Paris climate agreement. All three of the Trillion Trees partners are members of the Nature4Climate coalition, formed to communicate the immediate benefits of NbS, and to advocate for better management of land activities; facilitating dialogue and knowledge sharing around nature-based solutions.