Trillion Trees 2024 Impact Report


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Seeds of Hope: A Colombian case study in high quality forest restoration

Restoration the right way

The Global Biodiversity Framework that was adopted by 196 countries sets out targets to halt and reverse biodiversity loss. This includes Target 2: Restore 30% of all Degraded Ecosystems. We know that while this is a big challenge, it can be done and that it must be done well.

Restoring forests properly means enabling the recovery of a diverse forest which can deliver benefits beyond carbon: human health, livelihoods of the people who live in and around them, and the protection of the natural world forests harbour.

Trillion Trees works with conservation partnerships to restore natural forest landscapes, while at the same time incorporating and supporting activities that bring benefits back to the landscape. This means addressing how the land and natural resources are used sustainably, preventing the causes of deforestation and degradation and, above all, putting people and nature at the centre of restoration efforts.

The Trillion Trees ReForest Fund

The Trillion Trees ReForest Fund

The Trillion Trees ReForest Fund is restoring forests all over the world to benefit people, nature, and the climate. In 2024, the Reforest Fund supported restoration in 10 landscapes – in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Mexico, Tanzania and Papua New Guinea. Combined, these projects restored 246,696 trees and 367 hectares during 2024, benefitting over 9,100 people. These trees will also sequester 4,277 tCO2e per hectare over 20 years.

Not all our projects involve tree planting. Some apply techniques to enhance the natural recovery of forest, called assisted natural regeneration. However, all projects include the management, monitoring, and protection of trees as they thrive, creating jobs and other opportunities for often remote rural communities. Through this approach, we can be confident the forest landscapes we support will survive in the long-term, bringing back biodiversity and building climate resilience for all.

Read our most recent ReForest Fund report

Progress against our targets


trees have been planted or regrown through our ReForest Fund since 2021

The ReForest Fund is bringing back vital wildlife habitat and collaborating with local communities to reverse landscape degradation and restore forests

Raising the bar: Strengthening forest ambition in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

Raising the bar: Strengthening forest ambition in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

In November 2024 we published a new report together with WWF and Climate Focus, which revealed that targets on forests in the NDCs are insufficient despite the crucial role forests play in climate change mitigation and adaptation. The report assesses the extent to which NDCs integrate forest-related measures, and includes 130 NDCs from Parties with greater than 100,000 hectares of forest. It found that less than half of assessed NDCs set a forest-specific emissions mitigation target and quantitative targets on key forest issues are insufficient. The report puts forward a set of recommendations to policymakers to fill the gap.

We understand that to fight the climate and biodiversity crises and ensure a liveable future, simply saving the remaining forests we have is no longer enough. We must also restore forests on a massive scale. Trees take time to grow and complex ecosystems are not created overnight. This will require systemic changes in national policies, initiatives and finance to ensure it is done well and lasts for generations.

At the same time, we need to support organisations and communities to have the capacity to meet high quality forest landscape restoration standards and provide targeted support to where large-scale restoration can be achieved. Without this support, it will be difficult to meet the challenge and deliver on promises and pledges made.

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